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World Data

World Data is used to specify any data that is synchronized to all shards in all zones and persistence to the database, associated with a GameServerProxy so that when it gets started again via another GameServerCollection it will load that data. This is useful for any data that's associated with the world that isn't specifically related to some synced/persisted actor (use a Syn Item for that instead).

For example, world data could be long-term scoring between different guilds or the current time of day (though the latter could be implemented using a persistent item too). However, if you want to have a player-created building to persist, that should be defined using a Persisted Sync Item. Ultimately, the difference comes down to: if you want the data to initiate the spawning of an actor, use a sync item, otherwise use world data in the proxy.

Synchronization Across Shards

World Data is automatically synchronized to all shards in all zones starting in Version 3.0. That's it; nothing more to it.

Unreal Setup


We recommend checking out the B_GameState Blueprint class in the RPG Template as an example of how this is set up. You can see an example of how the World Data is modified in the B_WorldCounter Blueprint class, which we've placed by each Fast Travel location in the template as a campfire. Interacting with this campfire will increase a counter that you can see synced to all shards via a print string log.

Setting up World Data is very similar to the setup for a new Sync Item Type, including the Data Asset, some Actor steps, struct, replication, and data persistence. Read the below differences first before you follow the Sync Item docs:

  • The RedwoodTypeId in your Data Asset should be set to proxy
  • The ActorClass in your Data Asset should be set to your AGameState class
  • The Actor class you will be adding the URedwoodSyncComponent to is your AGameState class; create one if you don't have one already and make sure you update your Game Mode class to reference it
  • The RedwoodId variable for the URedwoodSyncComponent should be set to proxy
  • The PersistChanges variable for the URedwoodSyncComponent should be enabled

You need to use the same World Data struct for all zones in a Proxy since the World Data is shared across all zones.